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St. Paul's Missionary Journey

Throughout this course, we will learn about St. Paul's three missionary journeys in depth

Bible Study

Based on the church fathers' commentary, the course will provide detailed explanations of th...

Q and A

Got burning spiritual questions? Schedule a personalized Q&A session to receive profound...

Amanuel Dereb

Greetings, I am Amanuel Tesfay, a dedicated individual serving as both a Deacon and a Preacher in the Ethiopian Orthodox Tewahedo Church. Rooted in a profound commitment to faith and spirituality, my journey in the church has been shaped by a deep sense of purpose and devotion.

Beyond my roles within the church, I am committed to embodying the principles of compassion, humility, and service in my daily life. This biography reflects not just a title or position but a life dedicated to the spiritual well-being of our community and the perpetuation of the Ethiopian Orthodox Tewahedo Church’s invaluable heritage.

As a child, I attended Sunday school. Following my decision to pursue spiritual knowledge and embark on a spiritual journey, I graduated from the Ethiopian Orthodox Tewahedo Theological College of Holy Trinity (HTU). In addition, Abune Fanuel, the Archbishop of the Ethiopian Orthodox Tewahedo Church around Washington DC, ordained me as a deacon.

I also obtained dual bachelor’s degrees from Radford University in management and information systems, followed by a master’s degree from Virginia Tech in business analytics.

In my quest to spread the Gospel worldwide, I have written two books and am working on a third, whose proceeds will be given to the Ethiopian Orthodox Tewahedo Church for global outreach. My goal is to inspire others on their spiritual journeys through my writing.

As well as writing, I create spiritual poetry for Ethiopian Orthodox Tewahedo gospel artists. I share my journey through speaking engagements, workshops, and online platforms. As a person with a heart to lead others to Christ, I leverage my influence to spread the Gospel throughout the world.

Last but not least, in addition to my online ministry, the church trusted me and gave me the responsibility of teaching Sunday School at Kidist Mariam Ethiopian Orthodox Tewahedo Church.


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Spiritual Generation Graduation
March 24, 2024
Silver Spring, MD, 20910

Prisoner of Christ Blog

ቤርያን ልረሳ አልቻልኩም

ቤርያን ልረሳ አልቻልኩም ታሪካዊቷን የዳላስ ከተማ ስናስብ ዓለምን ያሳዘነውንና ያስደነገጠውን የአሜሪካ ፕሬዝዳንት የነበሩት ጆን ኤፍ ኬኔዲ ግድያ አለማሰብ አይቻልም:: በዚህች ከተማ በቆየሁበት ጥቂት ቀናቶች ይህን ታሪካዊ ቦታ (Dealey Plaza) የመመልከት እድሉ ገጥሞኛል:: አንድም በዚህች ከተማ አግራሞት ከጫሩብኝ ቦታዎች መካከል (Reunion Tower) ካልተሳሳትኩኝ በትርጉም የመሰብሰቢያ ግንብ ተብሎ የሚጠራው ሲሆን የዳላስ ከተማን ውበት ከከፍታ ለማየት እረድቶኛል:: ወደዚች […]

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የእግዚአብሔርን ስጦታ

“እነሆ፥ ልጆች የእግዚአብሔር ስጦታ ናቸው፥ የሆድም ፍሬ የእርሱ ዋጋ ነው።” መዝሙረ ዳዊት 127:3

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